Are you a promising young cyclist or runner that needs help with equipment, nutrition, race fees or training advice? We'd like to hear from you.
Our U23 Development Program (RR23) is a new initiative where we hope to help a small number of deserving athletes become the best competitors they can be. Racing disciplines include Road Cycling, XC Mountain Biking, Cyclo-Cross and Running.
What you can expect from us:
A support network of experienced individuals alongside the backing of Run & Ride.
Branded race kit plus helmet, shoes, socks.
Contributions towards race entry fees. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.
Free labour for bicycle workshop repairs & servicing. Carried out at our Milford Store.
Raceday support (feed or mechanical) if required. Subject to availability.
Use of demo products for promotional purposes.
Discount on any new bikes or components required.
Discount on treatments & consultations provided by RB Massage, situated at our Milford store or online.
Promotional discount code for friends and family to use at runandride.co.uk
We will provide a health and well-being education program to help you improve your own life. The aim is to give you the tools you need to push on and succeed at your chosen discipline.
Social Media mentoring.
Our support is offered on a rolling annual basis and is subject to review prior to recommencement.
What we expect from you:
To be aged between 13 - 22 years old.
Parental consent if you are under 18.
Dedication to your chosen field, current and future racing career.
Enter races under the Run & Ride / RR23 team name.
Sponsor exclusivity. No other support from commercial enterprises is permitted without prior consent.
Online & offline support for Run & Ride and the associated equipment brands that we've supplied.
To be an active user of social media and a positive influencer for support as mentioned above.
To be polite, respectful and approachable at all times when representing Run & Ride / RR23.
Supplied kit must be presented in good, clean condition at all times.
To attend any demo days or relevant events connected with the store(s) if requested to do so.
On occasion you will be asked to provide us with race reports / training updates / blog posts that we can share on our website and social media channels.

The associated costs of these fantastic benefits on offer via fundraising events & brand awareness initiatives which will also help raise the profile of the athletes.
If this sounds like something you'd love to be a part of, we want to here from you. You (or your parent / guardian) can contact us in any of the following ways:
How to Apply
To apply for our development program please fill out this form & submit it to us. Once your application has been accessed we will be in touch.
** Entries are now closed for the 2022 season. If you would still like o be involved, we will soon be announcing a way for you to do just that. Keep an eye on our socials! **
Need help finding our store? This will help.